The Various Types of Recruitment Strategies to Know

Discover the types of recruitment in this detailed guide. From old-fashioned methods to new and modern tactics, see how companies find the best workers through the best HR services in Bangalore. Learn about internal recruitment, employee referrals, social media outreach, and more. Understand the types of recruitment processes used by the job consultancy at Bangalore to create a balanced hiring strategy that matches your company's goals and values.

What are the Different Types of Recruitment Strategies - blog poster

The identification of appropriate talents has become a pervasive question for businesses in today’s evolving and intensively competitive economy. But with all these internal recruitment methods available, how is it possible that organizations can identify which recruitment source is the most efficient? Reading this blog post, you will learn about different types of recruitment methods, their benefits, and some of the potential limitations. Thus, the readers will be in a position to grasp the entire dimensions of creating a tailor-made recruitment strategy for their organizations.

internal recruitment methods

The Types of Recruitment

Internal Recruitment

So, internal and external recruitment methods can be said to be one of the most neglected but effective recruitment methods. This method entails the act of moving employees from one position to another without necessarily recruiting new employees to the company.

Internal recruitment and external recruitment are also affordable because they promote a reduction in expenses incurred in outsourcing for employees. Besides, the internal recruitment types increase employees’ satisfaction and motivation, making them understand that there are prospects for them in the organisation. In the same manner, the onboarding period is commonly shorter because the employee is already acquainted with organisational policies.

But there is a drawback of internal recruitment. The pool of available talent is restricted to the company’s current workforce, which can inhibit creativity. This also presents the aspect of office politics and envy among employees, especially those who feel they have been skipped over for promotions.

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Employee Referrals

Employee referrals mean when an employee refers any candidate from their friends or well-known people for a particular job vacancy. It is one of the most common recruitment types in HRM. 

This method usually ends up attracting higher quality candidates since they are recommended by the current workers. Referral candidates are most likely to stay with the employer because of a good culture match and an understanding of the company’s culture. Another advantage of employee referrals is that it is cheap and fast as opposed to other techniques of recruitment.

Social Media Recruitment

Through the use of social media portals, there has been increased convenience in reaching and fancying potential applicants.

different types of hiring processes

Recruitment through social media sites has the advantage of wide coverage as well as filtering through different categories. It is one of the most common types of recruitment strategies. On the whole, this has been deemed as less expensive about other types of marketing communications. Besides, it enables organizations to add an element of company culture and employer image and profile the organization to the applicants.

However, responding to people on various social media may at times be time-consuming due to the availability of many platforms. It is also important to note that different types of hiring processes can attract inadequate and irrelevant talent and tarnish an organization’s image when not well controlled.

Recruitment Agencies

By outsourcing types of internal recruitment, organizations may get help from several specialized recruitment agencies in the search for experienced candidates for available positions.

Organizations that hire agencies can benefit from the large database that has already been pre-screened and this relieves internal human resource departments. Sometimes they may specialize in various types of recruitment or positions and having one could be an advantage for such positions.

The recruitment agencies have different types of recruiters and deploy different types of recruitment methods to help you find the right candidate. 

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Passive Candidate Sourcing

Evaluating passive candidates who are not actively submitting their applications to employers and organizations for job openings can help in finding fresh talent. Passive candidate sourcing is one of the popular types of recruitment in HRM. 

This approach helps to identify other highly qualified candidates who are not actively searching for a new job opportunity and, therefore, the competition among candidates decreases. It is also an occasion for investing in people for future requirements.

While passive candidate sourcing is extensive and may take considerable time to complete, it also needs expertise.

Video Interviewing and Virtual recruitment

The increase in the use of remote working has normalized video interviews and virtual recruitment sessions. These methods have more flexibility for candidates as well as employers when compared to the traditional style. They are cheaper, particularly for first-round screening, and enable the expansion of the talent pool during candidate acquisition. Video interviewing is suitable for different types of recruitment jobs.


Recruitment can never be generalized; it depends on the organization and the process it wishes to follow. It is crucial to hire an HR consultancy to implement the right types of recruitment strategies. Knowing all these techniques and the advantages and disadvantages of each can help the companies have a broad and efficient selection process that would bring in the finest talent yet cultivate a diverse workforce.

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